This idea of NARCHA  is

Idea of Arfa Masud


NARCHA is a choice for home accommodations for the elderly prior to reaching the official retirement age (55 years versus 65 years of age), extending the time seniors are able to remain independent and avoid nursing homes.  This can happen in two way: 1) as a retiree you are independently wealthy or 2) you plan ahead and participate in NARCHA allowing you a flexible and enjoyable environment.


As our baby boomer population increases, the services in this industry increase as well, with more nursing homes, more skilled therapy, and more caregivers providing assistance in homes.  Some provide excellent services, but some try to take advantage of us… we’ve all heard stories about the abuses in nursing homes or the medicare scams with skilled therapy companies.  We are left vulnerable when we become so dependent on others.


Self-controlled management companies are found to be the best if the they are running under supervision and clearly laid out guidelines.  This is the mission of NARCHA— a system controlled by the people and for the people, just like the democratic way.


As we get older, we get very set in our ways.  We also become very particular about the surroundings and environment that we live in.  Those who do not participate in smoking or alcohol, for example, will not be able to stand smoking or alcohol on their premises, especially if it’s a religiously or culturally embedded idea.  Similarly, similar ethnic groups with a strong food aroma may feel the same way.


The idea behind NARCHA is to embrace this country’s multi-cultural and multi-religious society that make this world so beautiful. At the same time we are able to come together with people of similar likings, background, and ideas, enjoying each others’ company with food, movies, songs, religious practices in the same setting.


NARCHA has been created by us, seniors age 55 and up, delivering accommodations for a group of at least 8 families, with similar backgrounds (ethnic, religious, race, etc.), living in a close set of buildings we call a “mushroom”.  We will extend this one mushroom to a village or town of many mushrooms, and into a real multi-culture, multi-religion, and multi-ethnic environment.  This living place will be self-managed and will extend our independence by self assistance, with entertainment activities and other programs as well.

Phone: (586) 795-5355

Fax: (586) 795-5355
